Category: Money

Pay Off Your Car Loan Sooner

Did you know that the interest you pay on your car loan is based on the amount of principal you owe? By paying down your principle, you are reducing the amount of interest you will pay. The best part is it is actually easier than you may think to reduce…

5 Fabulous & Frugal Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Girlfriends

Spending time with your friends is just as important as self-care. We all need someone to bond with, chat with, and just be able to enjoy their company. But sometimes when we have to cut back on expenses we think that means we can no longer hang out with…

Meal Planning for Beginners

Meal planning is one of those actions you can take today to not only help your budget but maybe a bit of time too. I have always struggled to stick with a meal plan. I would try to plan out meals for the month all in one day. But then…

Hustle Hard

The truth about side hustles is in the name. It is meant to be on the side to bring in extra income. Think hard about why you are choosing to do a side hustle. If it’s to pay off debt, have you evaluated other factors already? For example, I…

Improving Your Finances

Improving Your Finances I have come up with 8 simple ways you can start improving your finances today. These can help give you the push to start thinking even bigger and start thinking of more ways to improve your finances. But let’s not get to far ahead yet…

15 Budget Categories to Ensure Your Best Budget

When creating your budget it can be hard to think off the top of your head. By having a list of common budget categories, you can ensure you wont leave items off your budget. Have you created a budget yet? You can read my post here about creating a basic…

Improving Your Credit Score

Where to Start First, you should get a copy of your credit report. You can request one of from each credit bureau for free once a year at These will include your report from Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union. This report will not have your score but…

Setting up Sinking Funds to Stay out of Debt

What does setting up sinking funds have to do with staying out of debt? Let’s begin with what sinking funds actually are. What are Sinking Funds You are probably thinking you just got done setting up an emergency account so you are all good. Except sinking funds are…

Start a Vacation Fund and Go on Vacation Without Going Broke!

Starting a vacation fund now will allow you to go on vacation without going broke. To be honest, vacations weren’t really a thing in the beginning of my adult life. My favorite thing about the job I held was that I could work and cash out my vacation…

Paying Yourself First is a Must!

Have you heard the saying before to Pay Yourself First? Did or do you fully know what that means? No I am not giving you permission to go shopping and then figure how to pay your bills later. If you didn’t read my post about emergency savings be…

Building an Emergency Savings and Where to Find the Money

The biggest thing keeping us in debt is the unexpected. Many of us are not prepared when something happens that requires us to come up with money on the spot. That is when we end up reaching for credit cards and getting further into debt. Trying to budget for every…

Setting Financial Goals

We have all heard many times how important it is to set goals. In fact, we have even discussed it here with Vision Boards and Goal Setting Worksheets. Goals are very helpful in creating the better self we desire and to push us to new levels. How many of the…

A Debt Free Christmas Starts in January

A debt free Christmas starts in January. I know we just finished Christmas and this may seem a little late but really it is just in time! January is the perfect month to start a system that I promise you will relieve some Christmas and overall stress. Less Stress Do…


Use Cash they Say: Why I Can’t Like many people, I have read multiple books by Dave Ramsey. I just love reading about money advice. There are many more books by other authors about saving money, reducing debt, retirement and so on. The thing is all of these…

Conquering Collections

Conquering Collections Dealing with collection agencies can be a very daunting task. Especially if you are not sure what to expect or even what to do about the situation. You may even get yourself worked up just imagining what type of person you will get over the phone, will they…

More Bank Accounts Could Help Your Budget

Disclosure: We may receive compensation if you sign up for or purchase products linked to below. This is of no cost to you.  More Bank Accounts Can Help Your Budget Just typing that out makes it sound excessive. But hear me out before you tell me how you don’t…

5 Steps to Creating a Budget

Creating a Budget Creating a budget really doesn’t have to be complicated. It is meant to help you know where your money is going and have a better understanding of your true financial picture. If you have a significant other it is best to create this budget together…

Knowing Which Debt to Pay First

Knowing Which Debt to Pay First It can seem intimidating trying to know which debt to pay first. There are two very popular methods when it comes to selecting how to pay off your debt, offered by Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey.  I have read every book both of them…

Paying Down Debt in 6 Steps

Paying Down Debt in 6 Steps Is paying down debt one of your top goals in life? Debt isn’t anything anyone of us plans for. It’s not like I was sitting around thinking I should rack up a bunch of debt and then figure out how to get…

Earn Money While Shopping

Earn Cash Back While Shopping If you have to shop why not earn money while shopping? If you are anything like me you love to shop online. I just don’t like driving and dealing with crowds of people anymore when I don’t have to. I would…