5 Fabulous & Frugal Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Girlfriends

Frugal Girls Night

Spending time with your friends is just as important as self-care. We all need someone to bond with, chat with, and just be able to enjoy their company. But sometimes when we have to cut back on expenses we think that means we can no longer hang out with our friends, and that is not the case. Here are 5 fabulous ideas for your next adventures that won’t break the bank.

Potluck Brunch

Just search brunch on Pinterest and there are a plethora of brunch ideas. You and your friends can all decide who is going to bring what dish and where you want to host brunch. Does someone have an outdoor patio set you can brunch at, or even just a dining room table to gather around? Put on some music and enjoy brunch!

Fondue Night

My friends and I have love going out for Fondue night. We skip the main course and stick with cheese and dessert. Usually it is around $14.00 per person for the two options. Add a glass of wine and some great conversation.

Pajama Movie Night

Invite all your friends to come hang out in their pajamas to watch movies. Either watch movies you already have or rent some from Redbox for under $2.00 each. Grab some popcorn and candy to complete out the snacking. Have blankets available for anyone wanting to get cozy on your couch.

Game Night

Have each friend bring over a game they love. You can have everyone bring some snacks too if you would like. Make some drinks and get rowdy with games!


Do you have any beautiful scenic areas where you live? Why not grab your friends and go for a hike. Take some pictures along the way. Don’t forget to take a water bottle and stay hydrated!


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