5 Ways to Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress Now

I once heard a quote that kind of stuck with me in life. “Worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do but will get you nowhere. ” I had really hoped it was some great quote by some really wise person, but it turns out it’s from a movie called National Lampoon’s Van Wilder. I personally have never seen the movie, but what a great quote right?

My other favorite is from Walt Disney, “Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.” Think about those two quotes. Seriously, I used to stress out about so many little things that I had no control over. So why not put a little faith in yourself?

We could all use some tips and tricks to reduce the stress in our lives. And seeing as how we all can’t just leave our jobs and go on a permanent vacation, perhaps we should look to some other ideas.

Self Care

Of course, my first suggestion is self-care. I wrote a whole blog post about it that you can read here. Taking care of yourself is the only way you will be able to take care of others. Take some time to do something for you, to recharge yourself.

Letting Go

I had recently decided to go through Facebook one day and really take a look at my friend list. Anyone that didn’t really support me or my goals was taken off. No big announcement, no big deal. I also did the same with all the groups I had joined over the years. If they no longer served me I removed myself. Sometimes we get so caught up in thinking we have to stay friends with someone but we don’t.

The same thing applies to not only any forms of social media, but real life as well. Do you have any toxic relationships in your life? It’s time to get rid of them. You will shortly notice how much it cuts back on your stress level.


Hmmm, what a coincidence, I wrote a post about this too. You can read about gratitude and get a free gratitude journal here. People who take a moment every day to acknowledge what they should be thankful for and realize all that they do have in life are overall happier and a little more stress-free.

Take a Moment

I used to be guilty of not really taking a lunch break. It honestly wasn’t a big deal at the time and I was still eating, just at my desk. But as things started to get a little more stressful I realized that break wasn’t really about getting to eat.

It is important to take breaks throughout the day, whether you are working in a workplace or working at home. Work is work and taking 5 to 10 minutes to just be able to catch your breath is important.


This does not even need to be fancy. You don’t need fancy pens and a fancy journal, but by all means, if it makes you happy, go get all the things! Seriously though, grab some paper and a pen and let your thoughts out. It is a great way to unwind in the evening and get everything off your mind. This could even help you sleep better at night! Try it for at least a solid week and let me know!

What is your favorite way to reduce stress? Is it music, candles, or maybe even some dancing?! Let me know what you do!

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