Beyond Spring Cleaning.

Spring Projects Beyond Cleaning

Spring is Coming

Spring is coming and I am so excited! Right now as I am writing this it is 2 degrees outside and I am over it. But as I see more spring cleaning post, I know there is so much that goes beyond spring cleaning. However, if You are looking for a spring cleaning checklist you can check my blog post here to download a free checklist. Little things that may have not even crossed your mind yet. That is why I am here to help.

Car Maintenance

This is really a quarterly thing and goes beyond spring. However, now is a good time to reflect on when you last got your oil changed. Are you due for one? The beginning of March would be a good time to get that on the schedule if you have not yet! It could be easier for you to remember every quarter to have your oil changed.

Home Maintenance

There are other home maintenance tasks that go beyond spring cleaning. Yes, it is fun to give your house that deep spring clean, but if your not making sure the items in your home are running properly you are doing yourself a disservice.

A/C Service

It is hard to imagine running an A/C right now but soon you will be wanting to do so. You should have your A/C serviced once a year before you are ready to run it. This will help keep it in top shape and running efficiently.

Dryer Vents

Oh, the things we don’t really think about. When was the last time you cleaned your dryer vent? I’m not talking about that little lint trap. Is it taking longer for your clothes to dry? A trapped or clogged vent will mean longer drying times thus making your dryer less efficient and costing you more money to dry your clothes. It is recommended to have your dryer vent cleaned once a year to keep your dryer running smoothly and safely.

Ceiling Fans

These could probably use a good cleaning while you are at it but that’s not the point. Spring is a good time to reverse the direction of your ceiling fans if you reversed them for winter. By reversing your fans they will push the cool air down. Counterclockwise is the direction you will want for Spring and Summer.

Smoke Detectors and CO Detectors

If your smoke detector runs off of batteries it is recommended to change the batteries every 6 months. Why wait until it wants to start chirping at 3 in the morning? Replace those batteries and sleep soundly!

Plant the Flowers

This is the one thing I always forget about because I think it is too cold. But Spring is the time to plant those bulbs that will bloom in the summer. I can not wait until Summer to see all the beautiful flowers and plants thriving.


Plan Ahead

Are you planning to put your kids in any summer camps? Now is the time to start looking and registering. Those prime summer camps fill up fast. If you wait until the week before summer starts there is a high chance there will be no availability left. Spring is a great time to start doing your research and making those plans.

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