5 Tips to Stay Motivated

5 tips to stay motivated

Keeping ourselves motivated is half the battle! Motivation comes and goes, and for me, it changes by the hour. By implementing a few things in your routine you can find some motivation to get you through! Here are 5 ways to stay on track.

1. Start Your Day With a List

Either the night before or as soon as you wake up, make a list of everything you want to accomplish for the day. Put it in order of priority. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. Putting too much on your list will actually only overwhelm you and may hinder you from completing more task.

Think of one thing you can do today that puts you one step closer to your goal. Put that at the top of your to-do list!

2. Know Your Why

Keeping in mind the whole reason you are doing anything will help inspire you along the way. Why are you pursuing a goal, how does it make you feel, how will you feel if you don’t reach it? Your why, if strong enough, will motivate you.

3. Time Blocking

It is hard for me to sit still for long periods of time. Especially when I am on a computer. I start out to write you guys or make an awesome blog post and next thing you know I am on Facebook, Pinterest, my bank account, and so on. Recently, I was told to time block a task for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5. So you set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on one task at hand. When the timer goes off you take a 5minute break and get up and stretch. When those 5 minutes are up you set a timer again for 25 minutes.

At first, I thought this was just silly until I actually tried it out. I feel like it actually made me more productive and focused.

4. Create a Vision Board

Nothing is more motivating than seeing your goals on a daily basis. Create a vision board with your goals. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. It can even just be words and pictures that you print out on a regular sheet of paper and tape to your mirror. Make sure it is somewhere you will see constantly to remind you what you are working for.

5. Stay Positive

It is ok to not be happy all the time, but don’t get stuck feeling negatively about your goals. Staying positive and open will help improve your mindset and keep you out of your own way. Write words of encouragement for yourself and post it everywhere. Listen to happy podcast and motivational music in the car anytime you are driving.

Do you have other tips for staying motivated? I would love to hear what works for you, leave me a comment!

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