Four Fabulous Bath Salt Recipes

Four fabulous bath salt recipes

You may recall my post about the importance of self-care. If not you can read about it here. In my post, one of the options was a nice long bath. What also helps besides just taking a moment to relax is what you put in the baths. Bath Salts is a very popular choice.

For a while, I always thought it was just about the scents. I didn’t realize there were actual benefits to using them. Baths Salts are typically a combination of Epsom salt, baking soda, and essential oils.


Epsom salt is a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate with many benefits. Soaking in Epsom salt can help treat a sunburn, relieve muscle aches, and can even help you sleep better. Magnesium and sulfate absorb easily through the skin which makes bath time the ideal way to take advantage.

Often when you think of baking soda it is for your baking, fridge, or teeth, however, did you know it is a great addition to your bath as well. By adding baking soda in with Epsom salt, the baking soda will detoxify your body and make your skin super soft.

Scent it up

Essential Oils take your Bath Salts to the next level. You can pick from a variety of different scents each with their own types of benefits. My two personal favorites are Eucalyptus for Stress Relief and Lavender for relaxing.

All of these ingredients can be found easily and affordable which makes an appeal for making bath salts for gifts. Whether you are making a gift for someone or just a batch for yourself, you can not go wrong with Bath Salts!

Here are my favorite four recipes:

Stress Relief

2 cups Epsom salt
½ cup baking soda
16 drops of Eucalyptus Oil
8 drops of spearmint oil

In a large bowl mix the Epsom salt and baking soda together. Add the Eucalyptus oil and mix well. Add the Speariment oil and mix well. Store in a nice decorative jar until ready for use. This is also good to use for cold relief as eucalyptus is a natural decongestant.

Bedtime Relaxation

2 cups of Epsom Salt
½ cup Baking Soda
12 drops of lavender oil

In a large bowl mix the Epsom salt and baking soda together. Add the Lavender oil and mix well. Store in a nice decorative jar until ready for use.


2 cups of Epsom Salt
½ cup Baking Soda
12 drops of grapefruit essential oil or any citrus scent

In a large bowl mix the Epsom salt and baking soda together. Add the Grapefruit Essential oil and mix well. Store in a nice decorative jar until ready for use.

Mood Booster

2 cups of Epsom Salt
½ cup of Baking Soda
10 drops of Rose Essential Oil

In a large bowl mix the Epsom salt and baking soda together. Add the Rose Essential oil and mix well. Store in a nice decorative jar until ready for use.

Bath Time

You can add food coloring or soap coloring to any of these recipes if you want some fun colors, or you can add dried flowers and keep it more natural. Store in cute jars from the dollar store.

When you are ready for your bath add 1.5 cups while water is running to help dissolve the salts. Sit and soak and relax!

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